This page is an aggregation of 12 blog posts from where I travelled to Dantewada in Chhattisgarh in central India. These posts are listed in the chronological order of their appearance, and is best read in that order.
1. Dantewada Cries! Day 1 in the War Zone
2. Dantewada Continues to Cry - Day 2 from the War Zone
3. Crushed Walls, Unflinching Spirit
4. Gory Stories from the War Zone
5. Does Time Really Heal Wounds?
7. Homeless, But No White Flag
8. The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
9. Nothing "Official" in Chhattisgarh
10. The Idea of Semantics in Chhattisgarh
11. From Detention Drama to 'Dacoit' Declaration
12. Breaking News! Youngest Maoist Nabbed!
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